This is the inception story of Light Up Children, recounted by its founder, Stephanie Kamale.
Light Up Children was inaugurated in 2019. In the lead-up to its launch, we embarked on a visit to the DRC Congo, where we made donations funded by proceeds from various shows I hosted.
The day before the donation event, I encountered three young boys, all under the age of 8, residing under a staircase along a bustling thoroughfare in Bandal, Kinshasa. Astonished, I queried the locals nearby, who affirmed the truth of their situation. Witnesses attested to their prolonged residence under the staircase.
These boys had been expelled from their family homes for reasons that, upon reflection, were unjustifiable. Indeed, no rationale can justify a child being forced onto the streets.
These young boys, having just left church, were on a quest for their next meal—a familiar struggle for them, having been left to fend for themselves. As my mother arranged food and beverages for them, I felt a deep-seated conviction that more needed to be done. It was evident that a one-time donation of food and clothing wouldn’t suffice; a sustainable, long-term solution was imperative. Thus, Light Up Children was conceived.
Since then, we have impacted the lives of 200 children, providing consistent provisions such as food, clothing, beds, hygiene items, and toys. However, our work is far from finished.